The ledgraph:
next to each poem rates how much I like it personally. Anything that would have had a negative score never made it to this page.
Sometimes... Almost...
A letter that got lost in the net. An attempt to explain to her as
well as to myself. I'm still not entirely sure what I was
trying so hard to explain.
Take Three Anvils for a Soulache
You know, anvil? The two-ton heavy things cartoons are
always dropping on each other? They're sort of like Advil, but... not.
Don't Talk to Me About Life (or: No Sniveling!)
a much needed slap in the face for all the whiners, preachers,
samaritans, and fools who would say they know just how I feel and
I should look on the bright side and make things better for myself
fading back into the shadows so that the woman I love can have her
first opportunity to be alone with her new boyfriend
The Silenced Song of the Vampyre
an image that formed as I got to know the special friend whom I now
call my "little sister"
Chronicide (or: I Only Dream in ASCII)
insomnia, nightmares, hopelessness, loneliness, restlessness
It Will Get Better
trying, and failing, to think positively
Going Home
home is where the heart is, and i have no home, yet...
song titles and lyrics strung together
Memories of Dreams of You
clinging desperately to decaying strands of a few beautiful
memories of dreams and visions of my future with "her"
The Damned Game
true love is out there, but what can I do to find "her", and
can I afford the terrible price that must come with the ultimate prize?
dwelling on the pain of loneliness
wallowing in superficial peace and happiness, trying to ignore
the nagging grey hollowness at the core
A Happy Poem
having seen the rest of my poetry, a friend asked me to try
to write a "happy poem," and it wasn't easy...
To Anne Marie Gabriel
a beautiful, painful night, feeling too much
The Shadow's Boy
the confusion and torment of being awakened to a world of light
with memories and understandings of only darkness
A Perfect Diamond
keeping in touch with my first true love
scared to death by a vision of my only dream becoming my worst fear
new magic and needed redemption in the final transformation
Black Sky
mortal terror in a horrible vision
To Never be Smothered by Mold and Moss
struggling to deny that ubiquitous green monster
52 Pick-up
sudden loss of a very tenuous hold on sanity, and trying to pick
up all the pieces
Me and my Tree
feeling sympathy with my friend, the white birch tree
It Rains!
screaming in pain and fear
The Hell in My Mind
constant internal conflicts
The Dark Force That Binds Me
wanting and needing to change, but helpless, unable to do so
Seeking You
telling "her" of my desperate search, my many questions
with only one answer that I dare not stop believing in
one facet of my self-image, the one I show the world
Something Wicked This Way Comes
stream-of-consciousness, dictated to a tape and transcribed,
a feeling of quiet, dark foreboding in the night
The Seer's Saga
the curse of seeing the future
The Cold, White Plain
a place I still sometimes escape to when I can't cope with
this world
Conversation With a Mirror
sometimes I hate the stranger in the mirror
Silence's Dark Magic
A "Cooperative Poem", started by Dave, then passed around the class for
each student to add a line. Dave then revised it into a more coherent
pondering how the end might come
despair in finding only nightmares on either side of sleep
The Difference Friends Make
the dear friends who first pulled me from my darkness
A Plea From Oblivion
desperately screaming inside, but failing to reach out
Beyond Infinity
a journey into the further realms of Somewhere Else