


The Shadow's Boy

A shadow without a body sulks in a corner
It has no eyes to see the light
It has no ears to hear the music
It has no heart to feel love.

A beautiful girl sews the shadow onto a young boy
The shadow is old and dark and sad
The boy is small and naive and curious
They don't fit and are uncomfortable.

The shadow teaches the boy to grow faster in order to fit
The shadow doesn't care that he can never be a boy again
The boy doesn't realize that he will miss being a boy
So the boy grows up, but they still don't fit.

The boy's eyes are large and they see things anew
But the shadow has seen it all before
The big eyes are young and know not what they see
The shadow shows them cobwebs and clouds.

The boy's ears are large and hear many things
But the shadow prefers the silence
The big ears are young and know not what they hear
The shadow shows them screams and howls.

The boy's heart is large and feels strong emotions
But the shadow feels only darkness
The big heart is young and knows not what it feels
The shadow shows it fear and sorrow.

The boy grew up too fast and now is ready to die
He still doesn't understand the light
The shadow could only teach him of dark
He becomes another shadow within the shadow.

But the girl still sees the boy in the darkness
She shows him light and music and love
But the boy doesn't understand and the shadow can't
And his eyes and his ears and his heart fall in love with the girl.

The boy doesn't understand the love that keeps him alive
The shadow can't explain, for it knows only pain
Until the heart begins to ache for the distant love
When the love begins to hurt, the shadow understands.

The shadow teaches the boy that love is pain
And the boy should forget love because it hurts
And emptiness is better than pain
But the heart can't forget.

So the boy lives on in confusion and pain
Wanting to live but knowing only death
Wanting to love but knowing only pain
Until he dies of a broken heart that never knew peace.

David Noelle, 8/4/92 2:30 AM
E-Mail: Dave Noelle <>


