A deeper darkness in the night is all they see of me
As I sit high above in the branches of my tree
The loneliness surrounds us, our desperation grows
The depth of our despair, none of them ever knows
We're all alone in this world, though some have dared to try
Still we are alone, my friend the tree and I
The tree alone can understand what it's like to be me
And I alone can understand what it's like to be the tree
My beautiful tree has lost her leaves, the coming winter stole them away
One by one they fell from her and began to decay
Now she's bare and freezing cold in the late autumn chill
She hopes the winter won't come this year, but we both know it will
I understand my tree, my tree understands me
Instead of dealing with the pain, she sleeps and thus is free
I long to sleep as the tree, to hibernate and dream
But each morning I awake and my soul begins to scream
I'm in my winter, my snowy hell, my soul is freezing fast
Unlike the tree, I cannot know how long the snow will last
I think of our fates and it's so unfair that I begin to weep
My tears wet one of her last few leaves as my tree begins to sleep
We are strong, my tree and I
We don't think we deserve to die
So high in her branches I shall lie
And I'll force myself not to cry
And we'll watch the moon as clouds roll by
Counting the stars in the night sky
And off to dream my soul shall fly
My spirit shall give one last sigh
And let them never wonder why.