I'm tired, so tired, my soul is so drained
I'm tired of fighting, tired of the pain
I know I can't stop, I must keep on going
The most terrible part of it all is the knowing
That there is no way that I can win this war
I always will be just as I was before
I'm fighting myself, the whole battle's within
That is the reason that neither side can win
Emotion and logic fight a war in my mind
Destroying all hope of the peace I would find
My emotions confuse me, the feelings I feel
I don't know what they mean or whether they're real
The logic is safer, but far, far too cold
That way leads to darkness, it has been foretold
My soul is so empty, so hollow and blank
My heart is so tortured; my hopes, they all sank
My spirit's a crystal on a cold plain of white
So bright, smooth and cold through the eternal night
I long to escape to that restful white plain
Where there is no love and no fear and no pain.