


The Difference Friends Make

My world was quiet, dark, and lonely
         A solitary hell called by some despair
My life was centered on pain and anguish
         It seemed there was no one else to care
I got used to the silence, liked the dark
         I even learned to live with all the pain
I stopped fighting the cold, stopped shivering
         And I knew the sun would not rise again
I felt my mind slipping toward deadly chaos
         Of peace and safety I never dared to dream
I realized I was losing myself to the void
         The silent darkness swallowed my tormented scream
I was afraid of myself and afraid to lose me
         So I raised my shield, hid deep in my shell
I covered my face with a comical mask
         And cowered in my own solitary hell
But suddenly I was shocked to see
         A kind face peering into my dark despair
A friendly person lighting my gloom with a candle
         The brightness shone on our faces and warmed the air
More faces appeared in my tormented silence
         Each had a candle with a flame of bright white
My new friends reached out to me, smiling brighter yet
         Hesitantly, I took their hands, and they showed me the light
Though I still stand in the painful darkness
         They've rescued me, thrown me a rope
They beckon me forward, into the light
         And my sore, wounded heart fills with hope.

David Noelle, 5/6/91
E-Mail: Dave Noelle <>


