the search for the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, to which the answer is known to be forty-two
- Known Questions to Which the Answer Almost Always is Forty-Two
- What do you get when you multiply seven by six?
- If you wake up on Thursday at 4:00 am and don't fall
asleep again until 10:00 pm on Friday, how many hours
were you conscious?
- If a train leaves Snoqualmie, Washington at 2:19 am on
Thursday, travelling 69 miles per hour, and travels
30,576 miles to arrive in New Paltz, New York at 9:12 pm
on the next Thursday, stopping only once every 728
miles, how many stops will it make?
- How many flavors of Snapple were there in August 1995?
- Other Things that Might, Under Unusual Circumstances, Equal Forty-Two
- The circumference of a circle with a radius of q.
- The square root of -1.
- Eleven.
- Known Questions to Which the Answer is Most Probably Not Forty-Two
- What do you get when you multiply six by nine?
- How many questions are on this list?
- What does the color blue taste like?
- How many light bulbs does it take to screw in a blonde?
- If a train leaves Florida, New York at 10:34 am,
travelling North-Northwest at 1,023 furlongs per
fortnight, how many aeons will it take Waldo to find all
the batteries that are not included?
- How many Presidents did Forrest Gump meet?
- Things That are Known to Definitely Have Absolutely No
Relationship to Forty-Two
- The number of "e"s in the word potato. (sorry Dan)
- The number of licks it takes to get to the Tootsie-Roll
center of a Tootsie-Pop.
Do you know of any other questions that have a significant (if vague)
relationship (or lack thereof) to the number 42? Your help with the
Search for The Question will be greatly appreciated.
Email your question, and
its supposed connection to The Answer, to Dave.