You curl up under one of the light, brightly colored blankets, putting pillows around your body until you feel completely covered and safe and relaxed. You close your eyes and listen to the haunting, quiet music. You hear, as if from far away, the crackling of the fire in the next room and feel the soft, smooth blanket against your skin.
You don't feel lonely at all, probably because of the silent presence of the ghost, and as you relax more and more in this warm, safe, comforting place, you notice that you are softly crying. The private pain you keep hidden in your heart begins to stream to the surface, but without danger - the softness and gentleness of your enviroment are too strong to let the hurt take over. So your tears are washing away some of your pain, as you cry, well-covered, into a warm, rose colored pillow...
And deep within your heart, tiny flames of hope and trust begin to glow a little brighter...